2022 Interim results

Trading profit from core operations * 
R1.1 billion
(2021 H1: R0.8 billion), up 37% on the prior period
Net asset value per share
1 231 cents
(2021 December:  
1 176 cents)
Headline earnings from core operations *
53%to R529.1 million
(2021 H1: R344.8 million)
Interim ordinary
dividend of
17.2 cents
(2021 H1: nil cents)
Revenue from core
operations * 
R3.1 billion
(2021 H1: R2.4 billion), up 31% on the prior period
Cash generated from
operations of
to R740.5 million
(2021 H1:  R336.3 million)
Net debt 
(excluding Grindrod Bank)
to R1.6 billion
(2021 December: 
R2.2 billion)

* Inclusive of joint ventures