
Grindrod Logistics Africa present at a Career Day

A team from Grindrod Logistics Africa (GLA) attended a career day at the Durban University of Technology on 28 September 2022. 

Danie Parsons, Stuart Bromley, Emmanuel Nsthangase, Nontobeko Machi, Gillian Ward, Sandiswa Mchunu, Siyanda Dlodlo, Sivuyile Ndwalane, Umar Badat presented to about 20 students from the department of Maritime Studies, sharing their experiences and insights in terms of career development. The GLA division will offer Shipping & Logistics, Operations and Health & Safety internships.

Photo caption:
Front: Snegugu Mbanjwa
From the left to right: Sandiswa Mchunu, Emmanuel Ntshangase, Sivuyile Ndwalane, Stuart Bromley, Yolanda Mjwara and Gillian Ward