Tribute to another ‘quayside’ legend, Sebastian Chetty

Tribute to another ‘quayside’ legend, Sebastian Chetty

Sebastian was born in Mayville, Durban, and moved to Chatsworth in 1960, where he grew up and completed his schooling. His first job was as a store clerk for a shoe factory in Pinetown before he started working for Grindrod in 1980 as a tally clerk. He was soon promoted to a supervisor role. As his career progressed, Sebastian took on the position of RoRo Port Coordinator before becoming a Terminal Manager and finally Chief Operations Officer. Adapting from the role of operating vessels to operating warehouses and container terminals was challenging, but his drive and initiative ensured his success. Sebastian is known for making a plan and the impossible possible. Where others see a terminal at full capacity, Sebastian sees space to take in more cargo. In Sebastian’s words: “There are three types of people. The first type waits for things to happen. The second type wonders what happened. The third type makes things happen.” All his colleagues will attest to Sebastian being in the category of making things happen.

We asked Sebastian a few questions.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to grow in their position or advance their career?

Go the extra mile, and you will be rewarded.

What personal attributes do you think contribute to success and achieving goals?

Transparency, honesty, and commitment are attributes that are non-negotiable to earn trust. You must be dependable for your colleagues and customers.

Who or what inspires you?

Mr. Mahmood Simjee. His ability to turn difficulties into success and his ability to motivate his staff to succeed is truly admirable and inspiring.

Very much a family man, Sebastian sees his brother Dr. Leo Chetty as his mentor and enjoys spending time with his three children and two grandchildren. Sebastian is passionate about the church, charity and music and looks forward to many more practice sessions playing the bass guitar in his gospel band. Sebastian intends to participate actively in church and community work as a pastor.

From all his colleagues at Grindrod, we wish him well in his retirement and hope he enjoys this next chapter in life.