Grindrod Integrated Logistics transports exotic vehicles to Knysna Motor Show

Grindrod Integrated Logistics transports exotic vehicles to Knysna Motor Show

Records were broken at this year’s Knysna Motor Show (KMS), with around 8000 people attending. It was a roaring success and enjoyed by all.  The sponsorship by Sanlam Private Wealth, for the second year, enabled the organisers to lift the standard towards being a world-class event.  The strategy going forward will be to continue to differentiate the KMS, attracting interesting, high-quality and rarely seen cars and motorcycles, as well as bringing old and new together. The KMS will thus not increase from the 400 cars and motorcycles on display, and will remain an invitation-only event, selecting the best. 
The result of the successful event is that the nominated charities will again benefit substantially from the proceeds.

The organisers of the event, the Garden Route Motor Club, expressed their gratitude to Grindrod for contributing to the success of the event by transporting seven of the vehicles to the event.