Demystifying Climate Change

Demystifying Climate Change

Grindrod had the pleasure of co-hosting a climate change event at its Durban offices with National Business Initiative (NBI) and Eversheds Sutherlands on Tuesday 21 January 2020.

The aim of the event was to demystify climate change and provide guidelines to organisations on the way forward. 

Dr. Debra Roberts, the keynote speaker shared with the audience the alarming facts of human-induced climate change and the urgency for the world to act together in order to hold the increase in global average temperature to below 2̊C, aiming for 1,5̊C.  She shared the enormous difference a half a degree will make to our world. 

Further insights were shared by Steve Nicholls of the NBI and Pascale Defroberville of Eversheds Sutherland.

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