Grindrod Integrated Logistics delivers JoJo tanks to SPCA in Cape Town

Grindrod Integrated Logistics delivers JoJo tanks to SPCA in Cape Town

In February this year, Tara McGovern, on behalf of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, contacted Grindrod with a plea for assistance in the drought-stricken region.

She wrote, “As you may know the CoGH SPCA takes in and cares for the most animals across the Cape metropole, be they wild, domesticated or farm animals. As such we require a vast water reserve to prepare for the possibility of Day Zero and beyond. At any one time we have about 700 animals on our premises requiring care, along with assisting animals in distress across the Cape metropole.
“We require support from the public in terms of donations of drinkable water for our animals – this means we also require water tanks / JoJos to store the water donations we are receiving.  As the water crisis escalates, it is almost impossible to find any water tanks in the Cape so we are looking to Durban and Johannesburg for stock.

“Is Grindrod able to assist with transporting JoJo containers from our suppliers around the country to Cape Town?”

Grindrod Integrated Logistics came on board and transported two JoJo tanks from Johannesburg to Cape Town at no cost to the SPCA. Tara, on behalf CoGH SPCA, expressed her sincere gratitude.