Grindrod Terminals break records

Grindrod Terminals break records

October was an exciting month; Terminal de Carvão da Matola (TCM) exceeded all previous records and loaded more than 671 thousand tons of coal and magnetite.

This record did not stand for long as the team managed to surpass the record in November loading 830 thousand tons, noting a stock draw down.

The records achieved, cements the path for TCM to reach its nameplate capacity of 7 million tons per annum, for which it is geared, and clearly demonstrates the capability and strength of all the teams, systems and infrastructure.

This result was only possible as a result of the hard work, commitment and passion from the entire Terminal’s team, including those on the ground, the various support functions, commercial area, and management.  It speaks to the team’s pride and loyalty, all of which have been integral contributors to make the record possible. An important role is played by customers, trade corridor partners, CFM and Transnet-TFR, as well as the Port (MPDC) in making the achievement possible.

During the months of October and November, all the Terminal facilities combined (Mozambique, South Africa, and Namibia) loaded more than 1 million tonnes of cargo. The first time in more than 5-years.

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