Congratulations to Abdul Hassim for coming top in his class

Congratulations to Abdul Hassim for coming top in his class

Abdul Hassim was placed 1st out of 308 students on the GIBS General Management program in pursuit of Masters in Business Administration (MBA). He achieved 6 subject distinctions and an overall pass with distinction.


The University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) is the top-ranked school in Africa and ranks among the leading 50 schools worldwide according to the Financial Mail 2019.

Abdul registered for the MBA in General Management through GIBS in 2019. The main reason for registering was his strong belief in continuous learning and applying this to the fast-changing business environment.

The course is run out of the TWIMs (Toyota Wessels Institute) campus in KZN which has partnered with GIBS to build on manufacturing, industrial and supply chain executive skills.