Congratulations Bridge Fund Managers

Congratulations Bridge Fund Managers

Back row, from left: Richard Henwood, Michael Nolden, Jaco Brand, Andrew Dowse and Jacques de Kock;
Front row, from left: Dean Merz, Ian Anderson, Paul Stewart, Gerhard Havenga and Morne Rall.

Bridge Stable Growth Fund won the Best Cautious Allocation Fund at the 2017 Morningstar Awards in March this year. This is a most significant achievement as it is a large ASISA category (Association of Savings and Investments South Africa) in terms of assets under management and therefore highly contested by the various asset management companies.
Congratulations to Ian Anderson and the investment team for delivering the performance.

The fund’s investment objectives and mandate:
The Bridge Stable Growth Fund is a multi-asset-class fund with the objective of providing investors with a balance between growth and income at moderate to conservative risk levels. It achieves this by investing in a portfolio of equities, fixed-interest securities, money-market instruments and listed property. The portfolio’s exposure to equity instruments will never exceed 40% of the total portfolio. The fund complies with all prudential requirements and regulations governing retirement funds.