Team GRINDROD feed the destitute

Team GRINDROD feed the destitute

Every Wednesday morning at 07h00hrs, at the OACL office on the 5th floor of Grindrod House, staff from the various GRINDROD divisions gather to prepare for their weekly ritual. Tables are put together, utensils are placed in position, fresh bread, spreads, cold drink and fruit placed, ready for the process to begin... Each team member knows exactly what to do and like clockwork, the sandwiches are made and packed, ready for delivery to homeless people around the Esplanade area in central Durban.

A small team of volunteers distribute 700 food parcels at midday. To date, approximately 15,000 lunches have been delivered over a period of 6 months. 

The Grindrod Executive team recently participated in the sandwich run.  Andrew Waller thanked all the volunteers for their dedication to the process.

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