ChaiR's message

Grindrod's purpose is the foundation on which the Group’s strategy has been built, underpinned by an emphasis on broader ESG matters to create and preserve sustainable value. In this, my first report as Grindrod’s chairperson, it is my pleasure to reflect on the Group’s progress against this aim during the period.
Delivering against an integrated strategy to support sustainable value

Through its everyday business, Grindrod plays a vital role in our customers’ success and South Africa’s economic advancement. Grindrod achieved a solid financial and operational performance in 2022, with headline earnings from core operations, inclusive of joint ventures, of R1 056.9 million, up 37% (2021: R772.2 million). In addition, cash generated from operations reached R1.7 billion (2021: R1 billion). The Board is also pleased to confirm the successful disposal of Grindrod Bank to African Bank in support of our core-business strategy.

Beyond achieving financial sustainability and growth, the Company’s vision is to forge a future in which everyone can prosper and live in harmony with the planet’s finite resources.

Our focus on integrating ESG into the core of our business continues to progress within a dynamic context. We therefore reviewed our ESG ambitions during the year, leading to the adoption of our new ESG transformation framework, which comprises four central ESG strategic objectives covering the economic, social and ecological domains, supported by overarching good governance.

We will be expanding our disclosure over the coming years as the ESG reporting context continues to evolve and as we integrate the necessary processes into our business.

The health and safety of employees, contractors, visitors, customers and the communities in which we operate is a priority. We are therefore gratified to be able to report nil fatalities and a reduction in injuries. This was achieved through a steadfast focus on everyday behaviours that drive health and safety awareness while maintaining occupational health and safety management systems.

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In determining what matters most, we analyse, prioritise and integrate.

Our 2022 material matters


The promising recovery from the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic in early 2022 was stalled by the economic fallout from the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, which
resulted in severe disruptions in supply chains and commodity markets across the globe. Inflation rates have been rampant, and are expected to remain high during 2023, with pressures being felt on a wide range of emerging markets and developing economies through higher borrowing costs and capital outflow risks.


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Grindrod has embedded risk management processes throughout all business operations. Management is accountable for designing and implementing risk

management systems and processes and reporting on these to the Board and its sub-committees.