Grindrod Fuelogic certified logistics service provider to SASOL

Grindrod Fuelogic certified logistics service provider to SASOL

Congratulations to Grindrod Fuelogic - Alrode for meeting the SA Road Safety& Quality Audit criteria for the transportation of dangerous goods. SASOL has certified Fuelogic as a SA Safety & Quality Assessment System (SQAS) approved logistics service provider to the SASOL Group.

The SQAS is a system to evaluate the quality, safety, security and environmental performance of Logistics Service Providers. This is done in a uniform manner by single standardised assessments carried out by SASOL assessors by using a standard questionnaire. The SQAS certification is valid for 2 years and the operation will undergo a six monthly spot audit to ensure the standards are being maintained.

Natasha Coetzee, Contract Manager for the Sasol Alrode Operation was responsible for implementing and maintaining the SQAS. She mentioned that implementing the SQAS safety systems was the easy part; the challenge was in consistently applying these standards