Senior Management Development Programme (SDMP)

Senior Management Development Programme (SDMP)

Main picture: Trevor Joseph; ,Andrew Scott; Grant Bahlmann; Elaine Govender

 This intensive 7 month course, run by the University of Stellenbosch Business School, concluded in November 2016. The course aims to equip senior managers with the necessary knowledge, leadership and change management skills to function effectively within a corporate environment. The subjects covered included primarily, Finance, Marketing, Strategy and integrated assignments.

Congratulations to the following participantswho completed the Senior Management Development Programme (SDMP):

Abdul Hassim, Shared Services Finance
Andrew Scott, Grindrod Logistics 
Elaine Govender, Grindrod Logistics
Grant Bahlmann, Grindrod Logistics
Trevor Joseph, Grindrod Logistics

Abdul Hassim receiving his certificate