Grindrod delivers running water to an impoverished school in Matola, Mozambique

Grindrod delivers running water to an impoverished school in Matola, Mozambique

Matola-Gare Primary School in Maputo is situated about 200m from the railway line that carries coal to our Matola terminal every day.

There are over 6000 children and 84 teachers at the school. Last year the CSI team at Grindrod Terminals realised that the school was in desperate need of help. 

There was only one tap on the school grounds which was used for both drinking water and personal hygiene. Since there was no running water throughout the remainder of the school, buckets were placed outside the classrooms. With no plumbing, very poor infrastructure, and poor electricity, the school was in dire need of assistance.  Every tree in the yard is a classroom. 

With the goal of providing running water in the most efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective way, the team started engaging with government officials and received approval from Andrew and Vishal to go ahead with their plan.   

The project commenced with the installation of a borehole, the construction of the water tower to hold a 10 000-litre tank, the construction of water channels and concrete handwash stations, and the installation of a solar submersible pump.

“It is truly heart-warming to know that we have contributed to this school in a very meaningful and sustainable way,” said Marie Boëtius, Grindrod Terminals.

Running water was the priority, but the provision of drinking water and the rehabilitation of the ablution facilities for the children and teachers are also urgent.  The 2nd phase of the project will include roofing, plumbing, toilets, sinks, and drainage. The project will be completed this year.