Another whopping amount raised for the NSRI

Another whopping amount raised for the NSRI

Caption for Grindrod Terminals photo: The Grindrod Terminals team achieved 1st prize at the IVS NSRI Golf Day in August 2018. They also won the ‘nearest to the pin’ award. Terminals Team from Left: Christo Coetzer, Anne-Thea Dippenaar, Sean Rowan & Martin Dippenaar.

The NSRI IVS Golf Day is an annual event hosted by Island View Shipping with the objective of raising funds for the National Sea Rescue Institute, Station 19.

Companies from the shipping and freight logistics industries are invited to participate.

An amount of R227 740.00, was raised on the day.  Island View Shipping doubled this amount and handed over a cheque to NSRI for an amount of R 455 480.00.