Continuous refurbishment of Port Maputo infrastructure

Continuous refurbishment of Port Maputo infrastructure

The refurbishment of berth 6 is almost complete while 7 and 8 are moving at a fast pace and are expected to be completed during the first semester.

The refurbishment of the berths will provide an additional 1058 meters of rehabilitated berths as well as a draft of -16 meters.

Investing in key infrastructure in the Port of Maputo supports Grindrod’s strategy which is to “unlock trade corridors in sub-Saharan Africa”.

Grindrod holds a 24.7% share in a national private company, Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC), which secured the port concession to operate the port until 2033 with an option of extending the concession for a further 10 years. Mozambican Railway Company (Caminhos De Ferro De Mozambique) holds a 49% share, DP world holds 24.7% and local partners hold 1.6% shares.