Climate Action Week 2019 in NYC

Climate Action Week 2019 in NYC

​The impact of climate change is being felt everywhere and is having very real consequences on the lives of many people. Climate change is disrupting economies, costing us dearly today and will cost even more tomorrow. Each year, millions of people across the globe are driven from their homes by floods, storms, droughts, and other weather-related disasters. And as the adverse effects of global climate change induce more extreme weather, growing food insecurity, and rising sea levels—that number is expected to rise. 

The latest analysis shows that if we act now, we can reduce carbon emissions within 12 years and hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C and even to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. For this change to happen, an ambitious action plan will be required, and globally, we will need to work towards achieving one goal.

On the 23rd September 2019, leaders from various countries met in New York, each with concrete, realistic plans to enhance the 'nationally determined contributions' (NDC's) of countries by 2020, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% over the next decade, and to net zero emissions by 2050.

This Summit brings together governments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities, and other international organisations to develop ambitious solutions in six areas: a global transition to renewable energy; sustainable and resilient infrastructures and cities; sustainable agriculture and management of forests and oceans; resilience and adaptation to climate impacts; and alignment of public and private finance with a net-zero economy.

Climate change requires urgent, coordinated, and consistent actions by individuals.  Daily actions to reduce our carbon footprints – like traveling more sustainably, saving on water and energy, recycling or eating less meat are encouraged. The more people act, the bigger the impact. This is a race that we can all win if we work together.

Grindrod is incorporating its response to the effects of climate change in the next version of Vision 2020, Vision 2025, and once approved by the Social and Ethics committee, will be communicated to all by early 2020.

To read more on the Climate Week Summit in New York, please click on the link below.