Rhino rescues 103 migrants

Rhino rescues 103 migrants

On 4th September at 20h53 the crew of the Rhino, were requested by the Greek coast guard to go to the aid of a small wooden vessel in difficulty. Just after 21h00, a small white light was sighted and the coast guard  informed that the RHINO was on the scene and able to assist.

The Master mustered his crew on the bridge to discuss the operation, and at 22h30 commenced the operation to attempt to tow the boat to safety. This was unsuccessful, due to poor weather, so the decision was made to board the migrants. All were aboard by 00h54, and the crew were then instructed by the coast guard to proceed to Irakleiro, on Kriti Island.
Of the 103 migrants rescued, there were 21 children under the age of 12, and 25 women of which 3 were pregnant. One male required medical assistance for a wound on his arm. The migrants were from Iraq, Iran and Syria.
RHINO berthed in port at 13h36, after which all passengers were professionally checked and received by the Greek authorities. All were ashore by 15h08. 
The ship sailed at 23h12. The crew rested and fresh for arrival at the next port.
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