Grindrod Bank hosted an event at Beachwood Man- groves Nature Reserve in Durban on 19 May. The function was attended by staff, clients and key role players in coastal conservation, and was held to highlight the refurbishment of the dilapidated boardwalk that runs amongst the mangroves in the reserve.
In addition to celebrating the coastal conservation achievements of the Blue Fund, the event also showcased a newly acquired Makotikoti sculpture which is now on display at Grindrod Bank’s offices in Durban.
Said Sarah Freestone, Marketing Manager, Grindrod Bank, “Grindrod Bank has an active interest in transforming and enriching South Africa. Being a diverse company with roots in the maritime industry, we wanted to establish a sustainable socio- economic development programme. So in 2014, the Financial Services Division partnered with Wildlands Conservation Trust to form The Blue Fund, with a view to creating long-term funding for vital conservation work along the South African coastline.”
As self-appointed ‘custodians of the coastline’, The Blue Fund, along with various strategic partners, is seeking to address the threats to our spectacular coastline through the catalytic funding of conservation efforts. One such project is the Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve’s project to upgrade the boardwalk.
The Makotikoti sculpture which is now on display at Grindrod Bank’s offices in Durban
The reserve, a short distance from the CBD, gives visitors a glimpse into a captivating world of mangroves, mudskippers and tidal systems. The elevated boardwalk has been laid out as a trail around Beachwood, so even when the tide is in, it is still possible to explore the reserve. However, in recent years the boardwalk had got into a state of disrepair and the reserve sought assistance from The Blue Fund.
With Grindrod having been established in Durban, and with a historical link to the city, it was an easy decision to support Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and a group of honorary officers, by sponsoring the new boardwalk; this will ensure that Beachwood remains effective and safe for the public. The ‘timber’ being used is actually made from recycled plastic, ensuring the link is made between sustainable utilisation and development.
“Our oceans are heavily polluted with plastics, amongst many other things, and by using recycled material for the boardwalk, we are trying to highlight the message of recycling and waste reduction to the public,” said Mark Gerrard, spokesperson for The Blue Fund.
Guests were treated to a spectacular performance by the renowned story teller, Gcina Mhlope, as she recounted the magical tale of Fudukazi (meaning tortoise) and how she won respect among all the African animals.