The good news from the GBOBA (General Botha Old Boys’ Association) Fund is that the recipients of their bursaries are faring well.
With a 77% examination aggregate, Menelesi Mkhize was awarded the ‘Spirit of Sail Africa’ bursary by Sail Africa. The committee’s Nomkhitha Mbele formally awarded him the new corporate-sponsored bursary.
Said Sail Africa’s Jackie Barnard, “On 26 February Menelisi was flown to Durban to the Sail Africa prizegiving by Smit Amandla.
“All his family were there! Menelisi received his prestigious ‘Spirit of Sail Africa’ award and his GBOBA Bursary Fund – Master Yachts Scholarship, in front of a packed hall. The deputy mayor, the HoD of both the KZN Sport and Recreation Department and the City’s Department, Ethekwini Maritime Cluster officials, as well as South African Sailing Office learners, were present.”
The Fund Committee also congratulated Brian Ingpen of Lawhill Maritime Centre on receiving the South African maritime industry’s “Maritime Maestro” award, presented to him in April. It recognises Brian’s outstanding contribution as an ambassador for the maritime industry, as a dedicated and passionate maritime historian, author, journalist and, above all, educationist. The Bursary Fund’s close working relationship with Brian has been one of the principal factors in its success to date.
On 25 February, Tony Nicholas took the four new bursars (Ntsika James, Avela May, Menelisi Mkhize (all grade 10) and Nkazimlo Mtshixa (grade 11) on their first field trip to SAMSA for their eyesight tests. GBOBA member Neil Mouton facilitated the eyesight tests. A meeting then took place in the boardroom with Pierre Schultz and Antoinette Keller, senior examiner and deputy principal officer respectively. They gave the students an overview of their and SAMSA’s responsibilities. This was followed by a visit to Green Point lighthouse and the Robinson Dry Dock and lunch at the Royal Cape Yacht Club.
Our two grade 11 Bursary Fund – Fairship bursars, Soneze Ntingiso and Lukhona Tetyana, were fortunate to gain some practical work insight with Fairship (Pty) Ltd during the school holidays. This is the first example of what the committee hopes will become a regular practice with sponsoring companies, for the mutual benefit of both sponsors and bursary recipients
Contributor: Captain Tony Nicholas