Congratulations to the Grindrod employees who graduated in December 2019 after completing the Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) and the Management Development Programme (MDP) through the University of Stellenbosch. It takes dedication and tenacity to study whilst working full time.
To Vicky Commaille, who was awarded ‘Best Student’ of the SMDP Durban, well done. She received the Directors Award with an overall average of 82.6%, after completing 4 discipline-specific assignments, and 1 integrated personal reflective assignment. As winner of this, she is the recipient of the Lincoln Business School award which will give her the opportunity of studying a Business Management Degree of her choice. Vicky has worked at Grindrod for 7-years and currently holds the position of Procurement Specialist. This achievement reflects her constant commitment, and I am immensely proud of her achievement.
Congratulations to Camilla Moodley, Andrew Davies and Lungile Sikhakhane, for being in the top SMDP team in Durban, to Joana Garcez for being in the top SMPD team in Johannesburg, and to Izak de Wit for being in the top MDP team in Johannesburg.
A superb achievement and well done to all of you.
Caption for Durban group photo:
The Durban SMDP and MDP graduates accompanied by a few Grindrod executives showing their support on the big night.
From left: Prisa Ramiah (Group Talent & Reward Manager), Frans Visser (Executive Operations GLM), Xolani Mbambo (Group FD), Haseena Latif (SMDP Graduate), Vishal Deeplaul (CE Grindrod Terminals), Lungile Sikhakhane (SMDP Graduate), Camilla Moodley (SMDP Graduate), Zwelihle Cele (MDP Graduate), Renita Balgobind (SMDP Graduate), Atish Maharaj (SMDP Graduate), Neliswe Nzimande (MDP Graduate), Andrew Davies (SMDP Graduate), Rakesh Ajodhia (SMDP Graduate), Vicky Commaille (SMDP Graduate), Sam Cele (MDP Graduate) Javid Sarvan (CFO Grindrod Terminals), Anne-Thea Dippenaar (Finance Manager) Stuart Bromley (Group Finance Executive).
Caption Johannesburg:
The Johannesburg MDP and SMDP graduates from Grindrod Terminals - Richards Bay (RB), Mozambique (MZ) and Namibia (NM)
Jose Macie (MDP Graduate - MZ), Pedo poh Quong (MDP Graduate - MZ), Joana Garcez (SMDP – MZ), Antonio Massanica (MDP Graduate -MZ), Izak de WIT (MDP – NM)
The following people also graduated but do not appear in the photographs:
Nthabiseng Mdletshe (MDP Graduate - RB), Karen Warnock (SMDP Graduate – DBN), Sikhumbuzo Khumalo (SMDP Graduate – JHB), Msizi Mbanda (MDP Graduate - RB), Sune Van Niekerk (MDP – JHB)
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