Grindrod continues to support educational initiatives

Grindrod continues to support educational initiatives

What started off with the donation of some fruit trees on Mandela Day in 2012 progressed to the adoption of the Inyonemhlope Secondary School by Unicorn Bunkers through the Adopt-a-School Foundation. 

The school is situated in the Ugu District on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast, about an hour’s drive from Durban.

Unicorn Bunkers embarked on a partnership with the school in the belief that the upliftment of its infrastructure would support an environment conducive to both learning and teaching. 

Over the last six years, the company has sponsored scientific calculators for matric learners, built an ablution block and more recently, renovated six classrooms. It is the intention of the company, in the coming year, to also provide the school with secure fencing to ensure the safety of students and prevent vandalism. The upgrades to the school have made it one of the most sought after learning establishments in the community and Unicorn Bunkers is proud to have been part of the process.

Grindrod continues to support a number of corporate social investment initiatives in South Africa, mainly through the Adopt-A-School Foundation and by sponsoring bursaries for students to study through the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation.

Interventions at Ndukwenhle, Hlahlindlela and Inhlakanipho High Schools in KwaZulu-Natal in the period April to July 2017 included:

• Mathematics and Physical Science supplementary lessons for 138 Grade 12 learners at Ndukwenhle and Inhlakanipho schools
• A Strategic Planning and Governance programme at Hlahlindlela school, and
• A Moral Regeneration Programme which engages learners in dialogue sessions on issues pertaining to sound morals and values; and a Health, Sanitation and Sexual Education Programme which facilitates sexuality education workshops and the distribution of sanitary pads and sanitary bins. Three learners who were mentored and motivated through the programme, are now at university; some of them have inspired learners by going back to their schools and motivating learners.

Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation
Seven Grindrod-sponsored students and one alumnus, along with 70 others, attended the annual Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust awards function in Limpopo on 23 June 2017. All the students and alumni were introduced to the Vice-President personally.

The Grindrod students who received recognition at the function were Sazi Nzama, Buyisani Mkhize, Nomusa Zungu and Nomonde Zungu.