Grindrod Rail Operations: Safety Campaign

Grindrod Rail Operations: Safety Campaign

Grindrod Rail Operations (GRO) realises that employees face a dangerous working environment  every  day.  As safety is a key concern for  clients  as well as one of the four pillars of the Grindrod DNA, GRO embarked on a safety campaign which took place at all operating sites in an effort to promote safety discipline and awareness.

As safety is driven from the top, GRO Chief Operating Officer Archie Seba- kelwang was present to reinforce the importance of safety at the various customer sites. Client safety represen- tatives were also in attendance to show their commitment.

All employees were asked to pledge their commitment to safety in the workplace, highlighting the following:

•    Working in a safe manner without imposing risk on myself, others or the environment;
Grindrod Rail Operations staff.

•    Keeping the workplace alcohol- and drug-free;
•    Protecting the safety of all;
•    Reporting all incidents, near-miss cases or any safety risks;
•    Informing my Supervisor of any safety hazard in my work  area;
•    Using personal protective equip- ment (PPE) as instructed.
All employees were asked to sign the pledge board which  was then placed on site as a  daily reminder of their commit- ment. Furthermore, GRO gave all employees a safety Google case and belt clip to ensure that PPE was easily accessible at all times during operations.