Rhino Ride raised a record amount

Rhino Ride raised a record amount

From humble beginnings in 2012, where R123 000 was raised, to the record-breaking half a million in 2015, Grindrod Bank is pleased to announce that nearly R1 million was raised at this year’s Rhino Ride cycle event.  To date, the event has raised R2.781 000 - all of which has gone towards the protection of the rhino population at Manyoni Private Game Reserve (previously Zululand Rhino Reserve). Having been involved since its inception, Grindrod Bank is a proud to be a sponsor of this fantastic cycle event and fundraising initiative.

The funds raised from this year’s Rhino Ride will go towards their newest project, The Zululand Rhino Orphanage. The orphanage was sadly born out of necessity, in the wake of a tragic attack on another local rhino orphanage.  When the heart-breaking decision was made to move the centre to a more secure location, there were only two options; to hand over the responsibility to a third party or to shoulder the responsibility of funding and building their own orphanage. To date the Zululand Rhino Orphanage is caring for four rhino orphans due to poaching and the devastating drought. If you would like to know more about how you can help, please visit

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